Marie Coaching 🐉The use of the MEMORY to create your new LIFE 🪷

Dear, Creator

Today, I would like you to think that whatever happened to you in the past doesn’t need to happen again , whatever memory you have from bad experience in the past , you need to rid of otherwise you will bring the past into the present over and over again. Remember, we have a mental program in our subconscious mind that is making us prisoners of our daily actions. The only use you could do from bad experience is to help you to move forward to different results . When you create you new life , analyse your past to make sure whatever you choice to do in your future never ever related to your past. You are writing in your notebook your goals towards your new life, be a mindful writer. If you don’t want to have repetitive experience you need to change your mental program with mind training.

Be brave and rid of your old mental program and replace with new innovate one 🌱

Maria Martinez ❤️🍀

Querido, Creator

Hoy, me gustaria Que pensaras Que todo lo que te paso en el pasado no tiene que pasarte otra vez . Todos los recuerdos del pasado tienes que eliminarlos de tu subconsciente para no traerlo a tu Vida futura. Tu tienes un programa en tu subconsciente Que tu Alma tus emociones , tus acciones estan atrapados ahi. Tu nueva Vida empieza con Una reflection de tu pasado y alejarte de tus acciones pasadas, Escribe en tu cuaderno Que quieres y empieza a crear , al escribir en tu cuaderno hace que tu subsconciente creee Una nueva version de ti Que se manifestara en el futuro . Tu pasado solo tienes Que usarlo para saber lo Que no quieres q te vuelva a pasar como Una palanca Que te ayuda a elevarte, a superarte.

Se valiente y empieza ya , desacete de tu pasado 🌱

Maria Martinez ❤️🍀


Marie Coaching 💚The use of the REASON to create a new LIFE 📗🔱


Marie Coaching 🗝️💎How your WILLPOWER and determination the key to your new life 🪺💫