Marie Coaching 🗝️💎How your WILLPOWER and determination the key to your new life 🪺💫

Dear , Creator

Today , I would like you to focus in your will , your will make your strong. You can’t let your mind procrastinate anymore. The mind works better when it is under deadline, you need to set the time and date of your GOALs come true. In your notebook, start writing when you want the GOALS materialise and plans & actions. Have you realised that when you say “ I will do it” that never happened. When your mind is well train , you won’t have this problem as you will control what to do , how to do and when. Your mind will surrender to your desires, your mind follow a program in your subconscious mind , we are changing that program with the help of ours conscious mind , we eliminate negative thoughts with daily behaviours like writing every day in the morning, you are telling to your subconscious mind what to think to manifest that. Writing is very powerful behaviour to impact in your subconscious mind.

Good luck 🗽keep going and create an amazing life that you deserve it 📚

Maria Martinez ❤️🍀

Querido, creador

Hoy, me gustaria Que te enfocaras en tu fuerza de voluntad, te hara fuerte. Tu mente te esta saboteando constantemente , recuerda q a tu mente no le gusta el cambio siempre tiende hacer lo mismo. Tienes que forzar tu mente a trabajar con fecha y tiempo limite, de esta manera tu seras mas eficiente y alcanzaras tus GOALS antes. Escribe en tu cuaderno tus GOALS para el dia , planes y acciones , nunca digas ya “lo hare” porque ese momento no va a llegar , tu mente sabotea tus intentiones . Os estoy entrenando para que tu Espiritu or Alma controle tu mente , estonces tu llegaras donde quieras , tu mente subconsciente ejecuta todo no tiene control inherente ,por eso a veces tu Vida es incierta . Tienes Que hacer Que tu mente se rinda a tus deseos del Alma , tu spiritu , tus emociones. Escribir es un ejercicio Que ayuda a tu mente subconsciente acceptar ordenes del exterior tu mente conciente , tus ideas , tus pensamientos . Ya sabes q el secreto es no aceptar ningun pensamiento negativo.

Mucha suerte 🗽sigue creando tu vida , Una vida ideal q tu vas a disfrutar 📚

Maria Martinez ❤️🍀


Marie Coaching 🐉The use of the MEMORY to create your new LIFE 🪷


Marie Coaching 🪐Perfection of Time ✨🌏