Marie Coaching🔥new IDENTITY 🌱starting your journey to success ⭐️

Dear, Creator

Today, I would like you to think in a person who you admire then starting to transfer the good qualities of that person that you imagine to start creating your new image . In your notebook, write the description of the person who you would like to become , be brave and let your imagination begin, personality, profession, dress code, earnings, relationship, work/business, attitude, romantic relationship …etc. Every day, review your list of these qualities and recording a statement in your phone of this qualities , then listen every day because this qualities you are going to adopt them to yourself, through the repetition will go to your subconscious mind and then you will manifest.

Let’s do this 🍀be brave your deserve the best 🌱

Maria Martinez❤️🍀

Mi Querido, creador

Hoy, me gustaria que pensaras en una persona que tu admires, y te fijes en las cualidades de esa persona , que te hace pensar que esa persona tiene que tu admiras. Escribe en tu cuaderno : combo viste , trabajo / negocio, relaciones personales, como se comporta , pareja/matrimonio….etc. Revisa esta lista y la grabas en tu movil y la vas a escuchar todos los Dias. Al escucharlo todos los dias , se grabara en tu mente consciente y la vas a pasar a tu mente subconsciente , creeme se manifestara en tu vida a traves de la repeticion. Yo por exemplified admiro mucho a Shakira, trabajadora y buena persona , con su musica me hace vibrar , yo hice mi lista y la ecucho con su musica.

Se valiente 🍀empiza este viaje maravilloso a tu nueva Vida 🌱

Maria Martinez🍀❤️


Marie Coaching 🌺The power of the WORDS📚


Marie Coaching 💕🍀Belief’s Limitations⭐️